Friday, January 2, 2015

Eucalyptus + Fresh Beginnings

I picked up some Eucalyptus last night at the Grocery Store. It felt like the right plant to put around the house for the start of the New Year. We spent the 1st of January sleeping in, making coconut pancakes, taking down our tree, ordering take-out and deep-cleaning the house. In the spirit of a New Year and fresh beginnings I wanted to write down five goals for the New Year.
  1. Stop Copying Others – I want to learn to appreciate what others are doing and let it inspire me but not to let it create an anxiety in me and cause me to do exactly what others are doing. I don't want my life to look like a carbon-copy of someone else's. I want to be myself and give myself grace to grow creatively, spiritually and physically.
  2. Stop Being Afraid – Gabe and I have been talking for the past year about starting something new. This is the year I want to actually DO it – I don't want to keep toeing the line, getting distracted, or waiting because I'm afraid of all the consequences that could-but-probably-won't happen.
  3. Write It Down More – There are a lot of things I do every day that I want to record more so that I can remember is later and see how the story happened.
  4. Walk + Hike More – This one's more practical, but I have been loving walks lately and I want to make it a goal to walk more and get outside more often! Especially with our new puppy! 
  5. Just Love – I want my life to be filled with love and the big story to be about love. Loving God, loving my husband, loving others. I want 2015 to be a year that is filled with love.


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